Checklist with Direct Tasks
The Checklist Module – ensures accountability by assigning tasks specific to job positions or store areas. Tasks are displayed on an iPad, where team members complete them. A performance dashboard provides an overview for coaching and improvement. Here is a Video Demo.
How it works: Individual tasks or list are displayed on an iPad at specific times. The responsible employee completes the list or task during the time frame shown on the screen. Each list or task can be completed independent of the other tasks shown on the screen. See below:
Direct Tasks: allow managers to assign a “single” task to an employee for something that needs to be done immediately. The task can be applied as a direct task or added directly to an existing Checklist. A task is assigned from the mobile app and both parties are notified of the status of the tasks through the Process. Direct Tasks Demo.
The Checklist Dashboardis your default home page. This page will hold your team accountable for tasks completion while providing a performance overview by area or position. Each report group is clickable allowing you to drill down for more details.