Waste Tracker
The Waste Module– Waste Module – helps track and monitor waste efficiently, ensuring transparency and accountability and most of all helps your store save money by creating accountability. Here is a Video Demo.
How it works: A user creates a report like “BOH Waste” by choosing items he wants in the report, opens the report and taps the qty of items wasted and the system records the prices of each item selected pushing the totals the to the team via messaging. The system then records all data in the Dashboard allowing the store to see historical Waste data.
Create your Waste Reports: Use an iPad or iPhone to select the items you want in the report & the system will pull pricing in automatically.

Report Alerts are sent to messaging:The following iPhone image shows alerts that are sent to your waste management team Each report has an “acceptable” amount of waste showing your team if the waste is acceptable with a Thumbs up or Thumb down symbol.

Each Message contains a link: showing the breakdown of each report so the team can get more info about the report.

The Dashboard shows waste history: by displaying a pie chart for the Area and report. This allows the user to show waste by date and area.