Module Reports

Each Module has a reporting dashboard that can be viewed by those with the correct permissions. Examples are below:

The Checklist Dashboardis your default home page. This page will hold your team accountable for tasks completion while providing a performance overview by area or position. Each report group is clickable allowing you to drill down for more details.

The Tracker dashboard is what management will use to keep your store lean and food safe. The dashboard shows the performance of the team while providing an overview of how lean your store is. We use dashboard data and Ai to adjust chicken allocations to prevent manual processes (beta).  Each report group is clickable allowing you to drill down for more details.

The Cooler Alert Dashboardshows advanced reporting for each store sensor. This allows management to see sensor trends so issues can be addressed before food loss or a food safety issues. Failing components trigger alerts to management that an action is needed. For example; if the team consistently selects the reason “Door seal issue” this will trigger an action needed message to managers to replace that door seal. We are beginning to use Ai via reporting to learn the trends of the store to adjust alerts accordingly.

The HR Dashboard: Operators can see an HR Dashboard that shows the performance of their team in one place giving full visibility to those in charge. Team member scores are used to update the dashboard showing strengths & weakness within the store.

The Waste Management Dashboard: displays a pie chart showing waste reports allowing management to monitor store waste.