The Shift Manager

OurShift manager can be used with our Scheduling system or used with your existing Hot Schedules software. The purpose of the Shift manager is to allow your shift leads to assign team members to positions instead of the person creating the schedule. This works by dragging the users name from “unassigned” to the position of choice on the right side. Once the Shift lead assigns all the positions to the employees they “Publish All” which pushes the schedule to the employees via messaging allowing them to swap shifts (with approvals). NOTE: The system is in BETA and we are currently in the process of adding additional features as user suggest them.

The ShiftSetup screen shown below is used to drag and drop employees to the position of your choice. Once your have assigned all the employees to their desired positions hit publish all and the changes will go to the “Todays Scheduled Shifts“.

Today’s Scheduled ShiftsScree is where the employee’s view today’s schedule.

The Available Shifts are shown on the left and you can use the dropdown to change the shift time. NOTE: This is currently in the process of being changed where the actual times can be changed according to the users needs.

The Permission Screen allows Admins to assign permission to positions within your company.