Cooler Alert System
Our Cooler alert system – monitors freezer and cabinet temperatures to insure food safety, reliabilty and efficiency.
How it works: If a cabinet temperature moves outside the configured range we send your team an alert via our messaging app or a phone call. The team can select the failure type and review the qty of alerts and what type in the dashboard. No constant emails, No false alerts & you don’t have to place sensors in bags to keep them waterproof. Our short and long range sensors are 100% waterproof and range between 3 – 8 years of battery life (depending on which sensor is chosen). We also offer door sensors for smaller cabinets that alert the team when doors are left open too long. (beta). Here is a Video Demo.
Key features:
1 – You can control the temp range settings in the software & the time of the alert.
2 – You can control who receives the messages via the Probiz App.
3 – Once a team member selects the failure type the alerts stop.
4 – You can view historical sensor data to monitor Freezer and Cooler health over time.
5 – The circle icon shows the # of alerts in the last 24 hours per sensor & is clickable to view alert data
6 – Requirements: 2 gateways per store & 1 sensor for each cabinet or freezer you want to monitor. You will also need the Probiz messaging app if you want to get alerts via messaging. You can opt for phone calls instead of alerts via messaging.
Configuration Screens: Sensor alerts can be configured according to user need.
The Cooler Alert Dashboardshows advanced reporting for each store sensor. This allows management to see trends so issues can be addressed before food loss or a food safety issue. Failing components trigger alerts to management when an action is needed. For example; if the team consistently selects the reason “Door seal issue” this will trigger an action needed message to managers to replace that door seal. We are beginning to use Ai via reporting to learn the trends of the store to adjust alerts accordingly.
Here is a Snapshot ofAlertsby location and the performance during busy times. Each line can be tapped to view more details.
Here is a Sensor performance per cabinet by hour. Each line can be tapped to view more details.