Chicken Tracking Training

Get startedby purchasing 1 iPad or Android device and our Bluetooth Printer.

STEP 1: On the iPad, Download the Probiz IOS App or Android App and login with your email and password you created from your welcome email.
STEP 2: On the Breading iPad enable bluetooth and login into the Probiz App and go to App menu>Chicken Tracker>Startup wizard.

STEP 3: At the top of the wizard tap Scan for Printer to initiate a bluetooth scan then select “Tracker”. If you do not see tracker turn the printer off for 30 seconds then back on. If that does not work, move the printer within 35 foot of the iPad then rescan and connect to tracker. Here is a Printer setup page if you need more info.

STEP 4: Choose your store option andGet started. Fill out the quantities for each area then tapSave and Printcreating labels to place on the trays or boxes. A reprint all button shows up after saving that allows you to reprint if needed. Hit next to go the next section. The final step is entering your worksheet allocation numbers provided by corporate here. This gives us a guideline to keep your store lean. NOTE: The wizard will never be used after setup and reprinting will be done from the bottom the Breading screen.

You’re ready to use tracker! Mount your iPad above the Breader and in the Probiz App go to App Menu>Chicken Tracker>Breading. When the Breader finishes the case in-use they tap the done button which pulls the oldest case of chicken from the thaw cabinet to the breading table changing the in-use number. Labels then print filling holes from thaw back to the freezer. Once the labels print, the team places the labels on the trays and moves the chicken according to the label info…. ie… # 23 freezer to thaw, # 24 thaw to holding etc.IMPORTANT: Train your team when they see printed labels to move that chickenimmediately!

Daily Chicken Check-in – Open the app, choose a type and take barcode pictures of each case until complete. Be sure to place the green line over the barcode so the system can parse the barcode data where it will show on the far right when parsed. When the barcode is torn or the system says no barcode found just take the picture and the system will store the torn barcode without parsing any data. (See Check-in video). Once you have checked in all the chicken hit print and the bluetooth printer will print out the labels for you to place on the boxes.

Fixing the tracker: If an employee moves chicken without using the tracker it means that the system does not know the case moved and it needs to be fixed. To fix that case tap the fix button at the page bottom and drag the case to the correct location. Here is the drag and drop screen.

Reprinting Labels: You can reprint labels off the the Breading Screen or from the App under App Menu>Chicken Tracker>Reprint Labels from the Probiz App by going to App Menu>Chicken Tracker>Reprint Labels. Options for reprinting includes printing single labels, Reprinting the last group you printed or reprinting all labels in a group as shown below:

Special Orders & Catering:We created a custom screen that allows you to create special orders like “400 sandwiches” that are due on a specific date. The system changes allocation quantities based on the order so you remain lean and the team does not have to do this manually. The system has the team pull the chicken needed 24 hours before the due date and shows “Special order” on the screen to notify the team it is due.

Kiosk Mode: can be used to lock the iPad to the screen your on in Probiz. To unlock it the use the persons pin that locked it or the pin of an admin/director/executive.