Food Labeling Training

Get startedby purchasing 1 iPad and 1 Probiz Bluetooth Printer. Wall mount the iPad at the fresh food area. You can begin using the module immediately because we have cloned the most used labels for you. Once you are familiar with the module you can add, remove and edit the forms to fit your store. Login to the Probiz website then click Modules>Labels.

Step1: Setup your printer. Wifi printers have been phased out and Bluetooth printers are now used (Troubleshoot both printers here). To Setup your Bluetooth Printer: Place the printer where your team can see the labels printing and turn on your printer. If your printer is on and within range our system will automatically scan for devices when you try to print. When the device list appears choose “Prep” for food labeling to establish the connection to your iPad/tablet. These printers DO NOT require bluetooth pairing.

Step 2: Using Labeling. You can adjust the prep time, add new types, add/edit groups/images quickly by tapping the buttons on the iPad. Here is the In Store Video Demo with the label printing including the users information. Below are the basic functions of labelling & how to use it:

If for any reason the device disconnects use Rescan for devices to reconnect:

Step 3 : Adding a user. Admins have access to all modules but If you want to give a user access to tracker have an Admin login to Probiz then go to modules>hr management>employees then tap the edit icon beside their name to give then access on their permission screen as shown below: