HR Module

The HR Module– streamlines employee management by offering efficient tools for performance tracking, feedback, and documentation, all accessible through a centralized dashboard. It ensures seamless operations, supports compliance, and includes an optional rewards system to incentivize and recognize employee achievements. Here is a Video Demo.

How it works:Managers tap the employee name and start evaluations, policies, reviews, safe daily critical task and more. Once the form is filled out the data is recorded and stored so management can review it at any time. You can also start longer evaluations, pause them & restart them when you have time to complete them. Results for all employee performance shows in the HR dashboard as shown below:

The HR Dashboard: Operators can see an HR Dashboard that shows the performance of their team in one place giving full visibility to those in charge. Team member scores are used to update the dashboard showing strengths & weakness within the store.

Form Results Drilldown: Operators can view “Form results” for the team as a whole or per individual to see performance over time. This allows management to coach & teach or discipline accordingly. Employee results can help determine if the performance “needs improvement” before a raise would be considered. We time stamp all activities allowing you to print overall results if needed for legal reasons.

Forms & Categories: Categories show on the left and forms on the right. You can drag and drop the forms from the right side to the left side to place a form in the category you prefer. New stores are completely setup from day one because we clone the most used forms from the state you are in. Forms can be created specifically for your store or for your state. Example; NY stores require specific forms for their state & so does California.

HR Highlights: Our goal is to automate employee accountability while offering managers & operators a snapshot of strengths & weaknesses within each store. The HR Module will hold the team members accountable, allow management to use the system for coaching and teaching and keep your store in compliance when it comes to HR requirements for your state.