TMS Tracker
The TMS Bag Tracker– was created to hold employees accountable for the expensive bags used for deliveries.
How it works: Your store assigns each bag a # with a Permanent marker 1,2,3… The delivery person Taps the bag number(s) they want to checkout and delivers the food. When they return, they tap the bag #s they want to check-in and the system releases the bags back to the module for the bags to be checked out again. If the bags are not returned in a set period of time (the default is 12 hours) then the system sends a message to a notification group that the bags were not returned and should be retrieved. Below is the process:
Bag Checkout – The Delivery person taps the Bag #s they want to check out and enters their name, Delivery address and their PIN number.

NOTE: To speed up the check-out process tap “Save address for future” and this will display the address the next time they tap in the name section.

Bag Checkin– To make check-in faster the delivery person only has to choose one checked-out bag # and the system knows which bags are associated with that group allowing the user to check-in the selected bags or all the bags in a group.

Notification Groups – if the bags are not checked bag in within a set period of time (12 hours is the default) then a messaging notification will be sent to the people setup in the notification group section as shown below: