Go Live Changes:

  • Tracker: Steve Printer issues – The printer for chicken tracker keeps losing connectivity, and we have to reconnect it by rebooting the iPad usually
  • Tracker: Dual bags setup in Tracker
  • Tracker: Are you sure fix for tracker (see image)
  • Tracker: See image alignment (see tracker 4)
  • Tracker – Build confirmation for movement on Breading to have a way to fix….
  • Moo Points: (See document in Ryans Folder from years ago)
  • Moo Point association with counselings. We’ve gone through three iPads and new printer, a new power cord, a new power strip. We are now trying to move the printer to a different outlet today.
  • Android List (April 23rd) Ben
  • Will not upload pictures
  • Does not use correct keyboard functions such as capitalizing as needed
  • Will randomly not load up the messaging page within the app.
  • needed features:
  • A much more user-friendly, intuitive Ul primarily for group creation and management
  • Video chat features (low priority)
  • HR:
  • make all text black
  • Make check blocks and radio required
  • CRM:
  • Clear button
  • Trash Icon (see file names trash icon)
  • Tracker App:
  • Track Ipad fix – Tracker App 1
  • Sensors Group:
  • I cannot remove myself from a group
  • Add single door and double door type to settings for manage in sensors
  • Manage alert recepients ERRORS
  • Show temp # of days (see Y4)
  • UI Issues:
  • UI for labeling is terrible see TERRIBLE UI
  • UI for Walkthru (see walkthrough cells)
  • UI for emails (see email issue)

  • App Menu Issues:
  • Document Delete for storage does not work
  • The header image replacement on App menu does not work. I tried it this am..
  • MESSAGING: Mobile view on new setup for website
  • post image w/text in latest news. When clearing image off main screen the text disappears in the thread and should stay.
  • Expand text block in News to 2 2 rows so when typing text it can be seen and does not run off screen
  • Allow a way to reply to a reply (this is actually logical from Shawn)
  • Try copy paste images. It works but you have to delete the image from the typing area after sending
  • Save as PDF own Dashboard does odd characters not a PDF. Others work fine.
  • Make add groups based on permissions via Ryan’s API (Ryan, add a Allow user to create groups in messaging)
  • Make sure text sends before sending images
  • Add Viewed by in messaging app (Shawn)
  • Show Probiz in Mobile app Option to share (Shawn)
  • LAST: When someone is added to a group show their name right where they are added “Tim Sykes added” (This might be a part of below).
    Create a “Add users button”‘ to add users to existing thread. This creates a “# of users added” tag where it stays on messaging screen until removed & the added users see text from that point until deleted. This also adds a X button beside the “4 users added” X allowing them to tap and delete added users from a popup with x beside their names. The purpose is to add a set # of users to an existing thread without creating a
    new group.